A South Africa Permit & a Work-Seeker’s Permit

South Africa ImmigrationIf you have received multiple job offers from companies conducting business in South Africa it could be difficult to make the decision as to which offer to accept if you live abroad. If you wish to visit the companies to help in the decision making process, you will need to apply for a work-seeker’s permit. It is also necessary to acquire a work-seeker’s permit if you are travelling to South Africa to interview for a job. It is important to note that a South Africa permit to work gives you the right to work for a specific company for a specified length of time. You must be approved for a South Africa permit to work before entering the country. A work-seeker’s permit, on the other hand merely gives you the right to seek employment from a specified employer. If you seek employment with a company not disclosed on your permit you will be subject to arrest and possible fines.